The free of charge Flex Controller Settings App for Windows 10.1 allows the configuration of each switch and joystick including novel settings such as double press interval, ‘ignore repeated press period’ for users with tremors and programmable dead-banding, orientation and sensitivity for the joysticks

Edition 77, August 2022

Inclusive Ideas

Nintendo Switch Gaming -Flex Controller

Flex Controller is made by Pretorian Technologies and it’s a new and exciting addition to the disabled gaming community that allows gamers to use external switches and joysticks to play video games on Nintendo Switch. Flex Controller may also be used for gaming on a Windows 10 PC. 

Any switches that terminate in a 3.5mm jack plug may be used. The joysticks, if required, need to be Optima Joysticks or one of the compatible Hori controllers .

When using Flex Controller on a PC, a Tobii Eye-Tracker 4C or 5 may be connected to the PC and used to facilitate eye-gaze gaming. The Flex Controller Eye-tracker App (FCEA) may be downloaded below along with instructions on how to install and use it.